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Renaissance cupboard


This was for sure my most complicated model up till now. It is according to a drawing in a joiner book.
I had to draw 3 patterns, one for the terrain editor, one for the blending of the two wood textures and one for the relief channel.
The front is one terrain only. The columns I have modeled in RDS.
The cupboard is updated. I changed grey scale picture to avoid the wasting of place ( have a look to my tips in the second models section).
And I changed the texture for this picture, now without ambient light.

The models is for sale in my shops

If you go on there is a pattern for the texture blending. White is one wood picture and black the other, gray is a mix between the two pictures.


This is the picture for the texture blending (not the gray scale map for the editor).
If you ask me, why do you make so complicate things?
I will answer, that I like it, the more complicate the better :-).
On the gray scale map above you can see one of my basic faults, the wasting of space.
I changed the map and reduced the border, the result is much more clear.

Models 7

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